Association of War Affected Women (AWAW)  

2021 – AWAW launched the second phase of She Builds Peace with the aim of building trust and reconciliation across Sri Lanka. As part of the campaign, women from various ethnic and religious backgrounds met every month and established Peer Committees to carry out community-building work. During the pandemic, the Peer Committees disseminated WHO and local health guidelines and distributed masks and soap amongst their communities.  

AWAW also convened special meetings for women peacebuilders in 6 districts who spoke about their contributions in the peacebuilding field and the significance of UNSC Resolution 1325. They conducted social media campaigns and distributed 250 She Build Peace branded umbrellas to enhance the visibility of women peacebuilders and their work. 

Outcomes and Impact:

  • In 2021, the campaign’s reach increased, with women from an additional 6 additional districts joining.  
  • Women peacebuilders experienced increased recognition by local authorities for their services, in particular for building trust and cordial relations in their communities. 

2020 – The She Builds Peace campaign launched in Kandy, Sri Lanka in May 2020 with a one-day meeting facilitated by the Association of War Affected Women (AWAW). 30 participants from different districts discussed the role of women peacebuilders during manmade and natural disasters. They also explored different opportunities to support communities through agriculture and the importance of coming together as women during an election season when societal divisions are usually exacerbated. The women learned about the four pillars of the She Builds Peace campaign (Safety, Obligation, Appreciation, Resourcing). 1500 cloth bags with the She Builds Peace logo were distributed among the participants to give to women in their province to promote the spread of the campaign throughout the country. 

AWAW launched the second phase of She Builds Peace with the aim of building trust and reconciliation across Sri Lanka.  As part of the campaign, women from various ethnic and religious backgrounds met every month and established Peer Committees to carry out community-building work. During the pandemic, the Peer Committees disseminated WHO and local health guidelines and distributed masks and soap amongst their communities.  

AWAW also convened special meetings for women peacebuilders in 6 districts who spoke about their contributions in the peacebuilding field and the significance of UNSC Resolution 1325. They conducted social media campaigns and distributed 250 She Build Peace branded umbrellas to enhance the visibility of women peacebuilders and the work that they do.  

Outcomes and Impacts:

  • In 2021, women from 6 additional districts joined the campaign.
  • Local women established She Builds Peace societies to carry out work in different sectors which are relevant to the areas that they live in, like agriculture, handicrafts, weaving etc.
  • Women peacebuilders experienced increased recognition by local authorities for their services, in particular for building trust and cordial relations in their communities. 

The participants spoke about the importance of coming together as women across all divides.”

– AWAW Campaign Report

+1 202-355-8220

1126 16th Street NW Suite 250, Washington, DC 20036

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