High Level Convening on Feminist Peace in Yemen (Peace Track Initiative)

All day
June 28, 2021 July 2, 2021

Peace Track Initiative (PTI), the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in collaboration with the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), are co-hosting a High-Level Convening towards feminist peace in Yemen. The convening will celebrate the past two years of work with Yemeni women leaders of diverse backgrounds to support the peace process by bringing grassroots-centred, inclusive, and sustainable agendas to the peace negotiations and transition in Yemen.

Over the last two years, the Peace Track Initiative held Track II consultations with Yemeni women’s groups and supported women-led organisations to hold consultations inside and outside Yemen on issues related to the peace process. The areas of Track II consultations included the ceasefire arrangements, security arrangements, humanitarian arrangements, and confidence building measures. These covered issues related to transitional justice, the south issue, releasing the detainees, opening humanitarian corridors, addressing the civil servants’ salaries, and more. These outcomes were reflected into a Feminist Roadmap For Peace in Yemen that brings forward gender-responsive recommendations on issues related to the peace process.

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