GSX Thematic Working Group

“Preventing Violent Extremism by Educating for Peace, Resilience, Equal Rights and Pluralism” (PREP)

This working group focuses on the role of education in fostering or mitigating extremism, and developing curricula to counter the messages of violence and promote peace and pluralism.

In March 2017, the expert working group convened at UNESCO headquarters in Paris to discuss the nexus of education and the prevention of violent extremism with a gendered lens, as part of the Global Solutions Exchange (GSX) thematic working group series.

The 2-day meeting brought together innovative civil society and national level educationalists, and global education experts together with government and multilateral counterparts to discuss the state of the art in education policy and curricula development to inform policy making and PVE national plans and strategies.

The meeting report was launched at the annual high-level UNGA GSX meeting on September 21st, 2017.

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