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In Tribute to Enass Muzamel

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On Sunday, February 4, 2024, our dear friend, partner, and colleague, Enass Muzamel, Co-Founder of the Sudanese peacebuilding organization Madaniya, passed away due to a sudden illness. We express our deepest sympathies to Enass’ family, friends, and colleagues in Sudan and around the world.  

Together with them, we are in deep shock and mourning for the loss of this extraordinary young woman. She was courageous, generous with her love for others, and deeply committed to peace, justice, and dignity for her compatriots. She dedicated her short, bright life to working for her country and community. Enass combined a beautiful smile and a soft demeanor with a powerhouse intellect, eloquence, and deep humanity and care for her fractured country. She was an extraordinary peacebuilder who was willing to speak truth to power, while also reaching across divisions to find shared solutions and taking on the responsibility to protect those in need. Her commitment to Sudan’s youth and women was unswerving.  

Enass played a key role in the 2018-19 pro-democracy revolution in Sudan, raising funds, mobilizing women, and protesting. Following the revolution, Enass continued to advocate at the local and international levels in support of the rights of women, the survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, and a democratic vision for the future of Sudan. 

In April 2023 when the war broke out in Sudan, Enass and her family left Sudan to find safety. She persisted with her peacebuilding work, even in exile, and despite the risks it posed to herself.  

It was a joy and an honor to have known her, to have called her our friend and partner. As we come to terms with the loss of this extraordinary young woman, it is hard to fathom the void she leaves behind. May Enass’ dream and vision for peace, justice, and prosperity in Sudan live on and become her legacy.

She was a Sudanese hero. A leader. A peacebuilder.

ICAN and our partners in the WASL network will honor her memory and legacy by continuing our support to our Sudanese colleagues, who work tirelessly to bring an end to this horrific war.

Enass Muzamel was a pro-democracy activist and human rights defender coordinating ongoing crisis response efforts to support women and girls in Sudan. As the Co-Founder and Managing Director of Madaniya, an organization that promotes civic engagement, she was instrumental in the 2019 pro-democracy movement that led to the ousting of Omar al-Bashir. In April 2023, after rival military factions instigated a violent conflict, Enass was forced to evacuate from her home in Khartoum. Even while displaced, she led critical relief efforts and connected survivors of sexual violence to healthcare, medicine and basic services. In the face of a worsening humanitarian crisis, Enass called on the international community to act in solidarity with human rights defenders who want to end the war and build a democratic Sudan. 

ICAN Interview with Enass Muzamel and Helena Gronberg 

This interview was recorded in June 2022, at ICAN’s 9th Women, Peace and Security Forum: Reclaiming Power, Restoring Peace.