Wi’am: Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center  

Wi’am launched the She Builds Peace Campaign in Palestine to advance women’s participation in peacebuilding and support the cause of Palestinian Unity. Wi’am trained 20 women activists in mediation, peacebuilding, negotiations and conflict transformation which equipped them with the skills to contribute to peace negotiations and to lead civil society efforts to hold institutions and non-state actors accountable for sustainable peace and development. They held roundtable discussions where women worked to increase their participation in the Palestinian reconciliation and peacebuilding process. The training corresponded with UN Resolution 1325 that mandates great efforts to increase women’s participation in conflict transformation and peacebuilding.

On May 29 and September 1st, Wi’am Organized 2 round-table discussions that hosted 30 people including lawyers, local MP’s, social workers, teachers, women activists, civil society actors, university students, traditional leaders.

Outcomes and Impacts: 

  • Women activists take active roles in sustaining peace and building societal resilience. 
  • Women leaders become role models for young girls in Palestine, promoting dialogue and gender-sensitive peace agreements. 
  • Women leaders have enhanced skills in peacebuilding and capacities to address critical needs of their communities that are affected by conflict. 
  • An established relationship with the governorate and task force of six women leaders enables them to assume a role in local mediation and peacebuilding efforts.      

+1 202-355-8220



1126 16th Street NW Suite 250, Washington, DC 20036

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